Thursday, June 3, 2010

Eco-Palestine Biodigestor

Thomas Henry Culhane is back in Germany, thankful to the U.S. Embassy for providing a blessed 4 days working in "Eco-Palestine" with the kind, brilliant and
visionary planners, educators, engineers, scientists, environmental NGOs
and youth of the West Bank and Ramallah. Picture shows the first ARTI
style kitchen-waste to-clean-fuel biogas... digestor which we built by the
new eco-home demonstration unit in Bethlehem at the Palestinian
Wildlife Society along with Engineers without Borders.

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Thomas Henry Culhane , after a wonderful morning commissioning the first Palestinian ARTI style biofuel unit, presented a Sunlinq 25 Watt foldable Solar Panel to Imad Atrash of the Palestinian Wildlife Society as a gift on behalf of Solar CITIES as Amer Rabayah from Engineers Without Borders looks on; EWB Palestine has built the first mode...l eco-home here in Bethlehem at PWS for all to see integrated sustainability solutions.

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I wish  everyone from the India Youth Climate Network tour had been with us -- we had a solar powered jam session right there in Bethlehem as we commissioned the bioreactor by the eco-home, making multi-cultural carbon free "music to build by" which made me nostalgic for the India tour -- particularly because that is the last time this foldable solar panel, the traveler guitar, biogas digestors and good friends singing music were all rocking together! Miss y'all -- come join us in the Middle East sometime, won't you? We need to support a Middle Eastern Youth Climate Network! Blessings, T
May 23 at 11:37pm · 

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Here's how to cut your power bill by 75%:

Want to know how to easily produce all of the renewable energy you could ever want right at home?

And you will be able to make your home totally immune from power failures, blackouts, and energy grid outages
so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power…you won’t.