Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Using "waste water" for energy independence: Transcriptions III

Paul Kelley

Take 1 (stage right; screen left)

The regional geo-energy exchange project is a key component to working with all the businesses in a business park and the main genesis of this is to use recycled water as a way to bring down energy use and make us more efficient here in Sonoma County and in this ener... and in this business park.

Take 2 (stage left, screen right)

The regional geo-energy exchange project is a key project here in Sonoma County and at the airport business park area. It uses recycled water throughout the park as a way to create and use energy more efficiently and most importantly reduce the energy use, here at the park. It's a great use of recycled water, which is a resource that's local and necessary for our use. It's also a really interesting component of how we use the Sonoma County energy independence program to tie in to using all the businesses as a way for them to access resources to create more energy efficiency within their own businesses, more water use efficiency within their businesses and it's a way to finance it on a local level.

Take 3:

The geo-exchange project is a key project here in Sonoma County and in the airport business park area. It's the use of recycled water circulating throughout the park that reduces energy usage but more importantly it uses a very valuable resource which is recycled water. I'm very excited about it because it not only makes our business park more efficient but it uses recycled water and it uses it in a way that is very effective in our area. It also really dovetails well with our energy independence program that we have here in Sonoma County, which is a funding source that helps businesses and home owners do energy efficiency projects reduce their carbon footprint and do water efficiency projects but also use... reduces their energy usage. And that is why we are excited about combining both the geo-energy exchange project as well with the Sonoma County energy independence program.

Take 4:

The geo-energy exchange project is something that you can do within a business park but one of the things we look at is regionally you can replicate it in other business parks. We've looked at three key areas here in Sonoma County that we could replicate this kind of project that uses recycled water and uses other energy efficiency types of programs that creates a zero-net-energy community that is of benefit to the community, but more importantly it's good for our economy here in Sonoma County.
It provides jobs, not only to install these kinds of projects, but the ongoing efficiency for the business allows them to be more effective and competitive and keep the jobs local.

Take 5:

The geo-energy exchange project is really key to this business park here at the airport business park area but is something that you can replicate in other business parks not only in this county but throughout the country. We're looking at two other business parks that are possibilities here in Sonoma County, and one of the things that we like about it is that it uses recycled water to not only reduce the energy usage within a park, uh, but it's also good for the jobs that are created by doing this kind of projects . It's good for the jobs that are created through the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program, which is a financing mechanism to help businesses finance their energy improvement projects, their water efficiency projects, and it also provides jobs on-going because it really increases the competitiveness for those businesses that are in a zero-net-energy community because they are better financed... they have more efficient resources, but it also makes them competitive not only locally but nationally.

Take 6:

Sonoma County is on the leading edge of energy independence, energy efficiency and reducing our greenhouse gas emmissions and our carbon footprint. That's why we're able with the California Energy Commission to attract grant fundings both in the state level but also on the federal level and we're going to be competitive now and into the future bringing in those resources to make these projects a reality for our community.

Take 7:

The geo-exchange project is really valuable in our community here at this business park at the airport business park its the opportunity to use recycled water throughout the community, which is a very valuable resource. It reduces the energy usage within the park but more importantly it makes it efficient use of our resources which we think is key here, its also a great opportunity to combine another program that we have which is the Sonoma County energy independence program, which is a resourcing device that allows businesses to use finances to actually put energy efficiency projects on their buildings, water use efficiency projects reduces their carbon footprint and their energy usage throughout the park.

Take 8:

The Geoexchange project is very important to us, that's why we feel it's important to actually prove it and be a pilot project right here at our own offices. We feel that we can take that technology, test it out, implement it here on our own buildings and then replicate it throughout the business park here locally and throughout other business parks that we're looking to be part of this program. And that's why we think that the pilot project is so important, because we know that there is going to be little things that happen... during the installation, during its operation, that'll give us those kind of, uh, lead ins on what how, uh, what and how most effectively to install it in other places.

Take 9:

We're so committed to this project that we're willing to actually use our own buildings as a pilot; we're committed to making it happen, using the resources locally but really using it so that we can show other people how best to install it and how best to use it.

Take 10:

As your county supervisor and director of the Sonoma County Water Agency, I'm committed to having the best business park that we could possibly have. And I'm committed to making sure that you as a business owner and we as a community, have a community that's a zero net energy community. That's why I'm committed to making sure that this geo-energy exchange project is a success that's why we're committed to making it work on our own buildings but also using it to replicate throughout the park. Using recycled water as such a good resource to reduce our energy usage, make us more energy efficient, is going to be good for your business, it's going to be good for the community, its going to be good for jobs throughout this wonderful county.

Take 11:

As your county supervisor and director of the Sonoma County Water Agency, I'm committed to making sure that we have the best business park in Sonoma County. That's why we at the Sonoma County Water agency are committed to the geo-exchange project, because we're committed to making us more energy efficient and using recycled water which is a valuable resource. By making those resources available, reducing your energy usage, we know that we will be the best business park in the community, we will be good for your business, and keep the jobs here in Sonoma County, beneficial to all of us, but competitive, here and nationally.

Take 12:

The reason why we're committed to the geo-energy exchange program here locally, is that we know that this is something that can be replicated throughout the state, and throughout the country, and globally. One thing that's common in the United States and throughout the world, is that there are a lot of business parks and a lot of those buisness parks are big energy users and one of the things that we know is that using recycled water , using solar and other kinds of projects locally, you can create zero net energy communities in all the businesses throughout the world. That is something that we're excited about and we know we can make it happen.


Take 1:

Airport business center is very pleased to be working with Paul Kelley, supervisor Paul Kelley and with the Sonoma county Water Agency, in a very exciting project to make the airport business area a sustainable and green, uh, business center, perhaps one of the first in the country and, uh, we really look forward to continuing the long work and, uh, good process that we've done.

Take 2:

Airport Business Center is very excited about the possibility of not only providing a more sustainable business park but also providing a business park that is economically viable to its tenants, to its owners and attracts people who are also interested in doing sustainable projects.

Take 3:

It can be attracted not only for the region but for a lot tenants that want that kind of park.

Take 4:

Absolutely, I think that the overall project in any project of its type ultimately has to, for a business, to adopt it, or for a business park to adopt it, uh, has to make economic sense and this project, uh, which is a series of projects, truly appears to be something that can be viable economically, and if its not it's not going to work, but in this case there's a really good chance that not only can we do something sustainable with resources that we're currently not using but we could attract business and we can lower their operating costs.

Take 5:

Yeah, I'm not really... it's not alot... there are some things, some water re-use that the airport health club does, some... you know, there's a few solar, but it's still pretty much... in its infancy.

Take 6:

The use of recycled water, particularly for irrigation, is obviously a huge plus, uh, there's a fair amount of infrastructure required to re-use it, there's a fair amount of learning, but it is just an amazing resource that, uh, once we have the infrastructure in, would benefit the park, would benefit everyone... would save a lot of water obviously.

Take 7:

This is... This is a business investment that really encompasses both; I anticipate that there very well could be some, uh, some programs that will allow an immediate return, that will also, uh, allow immediate savings of energy, but there is clearly a much longer term project here, that will require substantial amounts of capital, substantial amounts of investment, but over a very very long term will really produce I think both goals, I mean, that's a more sustainable enterprise and something that does save and make money.

Take 8:

I believe there are going to be some programs that... where green actually makes economic sense, and of course those are going to have to be what ultimately happens uh... otherwise I don't think you change economics, but the economics are finally reaching a point on green projects where they truly are viable, make economic sense, and then... obviously also help the environment. When all of those things get together then it is a true postive for everyone, and I think that's what we're working on is to show that they can be economically viable.

Take 9:

A thing that has slowly been coming about, I will not say that that's a huge item right now, but clearly becoming something of importance with certain companies and as I think we see more of the so-called "green tech" companies, companies that do produce solar panels, or companies that produce solar connectors, uh... more of those questions will be asked and certainly we'd like to be on the forefront to be able to ... to say "yes we are addressing those issues."

Take 10:

Airport Business Center has a very long and very good relationship with Sonoma County Water Agency; historically they've merely provided our water but the water agency has been a very dynamic force in understanding that they are an enormous producer or user of energy , uh, it takes a lot of energy to move water around, so the water agency and the board of supervisors has truly been on the forefront, absolute leaders in trying to conserve water, save energy and otherwise do projects that are sustainable. So the water agency is remarkable and, and we're very happy that they've moved their offices to Airport Business Center a couple of years ago so we're right next door to each other and, uh, they've been a real leader in the industry.

Take 11:

Airport Business Center's interest in a sustainable project, a green project like, uh, that we're working on now, uh, is really fairly simple. Yes we do like to... uh, think we are helping the environment, but the bottom line for all business people if they want to stay in business is... business. And... these things had better help business. We think they will... uh, we think they will provide savings for energy, savings for water use, uh... and they will also help entice other users, other tenants to come to the business park. So, in the relatively near... range we believe all of these programs that are kind of under this, uh, umbrella of sustainability will not only lower our costs but will also attract new businesses and for us yes it nice to help the environment, but bottom line you've got to make money doing it; we think this will do that.

Take 12:

I just want to show it's a return.

Take 13:

The expectations of... I really think of any business, but Airport Business Center certainly, expectations is... uh... are that we want to see a return on our investment no matter what the investment and that return can take a number of forms but ultimately it still has to be an economic return. Obviously part of that could just be a knowledge that you're helping the environment but bottom line the return has to be an economic return, it has to make economic sense and we think this kind of project is going to do that.

Take 14:

The Sonoma County Energy Independence Program is a very interesting, very new tool recently allowed by some legislative acts that basically allows consumers and businesses to, uh, borrow at very low, almost governmental rates, to put projects into their homes or businesses. Projects that save water, projects that uh... solar energy. And it's an extremely program; again, Sonoma County: way ahead of the curve for the rest of the, uh, State of California, uh... adopted this very early, and, uh, even to... right now it's been very very successful, particularly with home owners; and it will allow in the future some very major solar projects, some very major conservation projects, to be done, and at a very affordable way for all businesses and home owners in the county.

Take 15:

The Sonoma County Energy Independence Program could also potentially help, uh, when we finally do get this huge body of water that we have on the western side of the business center, into the streets, being used for heating and cooling and then potentially also being used for irrigation; the county's AB 811 program could very easily help existing owners and tenants replace their outdated airconditioning systems with modern heat pumps that use this projects' water to heat and cool their buildings. It could be a very valuable program to make that transition much more painless for a lot of the owners.

Take 16:

Well, airport business center has been here for 25 years. My partners and I and most of them have been my partners for 25 years, have been developing this area since 1984, and what we're doing in conjunction with the water agency now is, to the best of our knowlege, almost unique in the whole United States. And truly an exciting proposition for all of us in the, uh, Business Center area, to not only do good, something good for the county, for the state, for the country, but also to do something that proves that you can make MONEY being green. And we're going to do everything we can at the Airport Area... the area that we have lived and breathed for 25 years, to see if we can't make a sustainable project, one that's also, uh, economic.

Take 17:

Airport Business Center is obviously in the real estate development business, but in the real estate development business it's very competitive; we compete with all sectors of the country and frankly most every part of the country is cheaper than here. So for airport business center to compete effectively, we have to provide something to our customers that not everybody else has. And one of those things is a sustainable green unique environment. And that's truly one of the reasons we're very excited about this.

Take 18:

... in different places we have, I mean at the Petaluma Marina the entire Marina project runs off heat pumps. But you have to have a pretty big project.

Take 19:

Airport Business Center originally started working with the Sonoma County Water Agency talking about doing some kind of geo-thermal heating and cooling system, um... geo-thermal heating and cooling is old technology, very efficient technology but old technology but the truly radical idea, the one that the water agency invented, was using secondary treated waste water as the basic heating and cooling unit. It otherwise sits there without being used. And now we've got a real possibility of taking a valuable commodity in its own right and doubling its use as a heating and cooling source.

Take 20:

Who'd every heard of using treated waste water as heating and cooling source. It was a brilliant idea... one which we hope comes to fruition.

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