Monday, August 24, 2009

Sonoma County Water Agency RGEEP Educational Video Script Transcription

This is the script for the 10 minute version of the Regional Geo-Thermal Exchange Energy Program Video created by T.H. Culhane and Frank DiMassa at Utility Consulting Multimedia Productions.
SCWA Video Transcription
Time is displayed in minutes:seconds:frames
The video is 10:25:00 long (10 minutes, 25 seconds, 00 frames)
(note: There are 30 frames in one second (but 60 seconds in each minute))
Chapter 1:Intro video (Russian River, SCWA logo with hand page turn) (14 seconds)
Title “Regional Geoexchange Energy Efficiency Program (water agency logo upper left)
00:00:00 to 00:14:14
Chapter 2: Paul Kelley, Sonoma County Supervisor, with 404 entrance and oak tree background
(25 seconds)
Medium shot Paul
00:14:14 to 00: 39:02
Sonoma County is on the leading edge of energy independence, energy efficiency and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and our carbon footprint.
That's why we're able to attract grant fundings both in the state level but also on the federal level and we're going to be competitive now and into the future
bringing in those resources to make these projects a reality for our community.
Chapter 3: A Radical Idea (1 minute 2 seconds)
00:24:20 to 00:42:13
Larry Wassem, Medium shot , Airport Business Park (geese pond willow tree background)
00:42:13 to 01:26:18
Airport Business Center originally started working with the Sonoma County Water Agency talking about doing some kind of geo-thermal heating and cooling system, um.
.. geo-thermal heating and cooling is old technology, very efficient technology but old technology
but the truly radical idea, the one that the water agency invented, was using secondary treated waste water as the basic heating and cooling unit. It otherwise sits there without being used. And now we've got a real possibility of taking a valuable commodity in its own right and doubling its use as a heating and cooling source.
Chapter 4: Building a zero-net-energy community (38 seconds)
01:26:18 to 01:29:26
Medium shot Amy Christopherson Bolten. Sonoma County Water Agency (RGEEP google earth background)
01:29:26 to 2:04:12
The regional geo-exchange project is a project that was conceived around the idea of building zero net energy communities that can be replicated all throughout the united states and preferably the world. The backbone is a geothermal loop system that runs through the community that can pipe waste water,
(Insert 8 second animation of RGEEP loop at 01:46:10)
which can act as a heating and cooling sink, to lower the energy needs of the buildings to the point where the balance can be made up through a combination of
(back to Amy at 01:53:19)
energy efficiency measures, to bring down the energy use of the building and then that remainder
(insert graphic of pond and PV at 1:58:25)
can be brought up using renewable energy such as solar and wind power.
Chapter 5: Where to Start (51 seconds)
02:04:12 to 02:07:05
Amy medium shot (404 graphic background)
02:07:05 to 02:55:05)
Well we knew we had to start somewhere. So we decided to take this building 404 Aviation Boulevard
(insert graphic 404 Aviation at 02:12:21)
and make it a test case for the energy project as a whole.
(back to Amy at 02:17:08)
We had already reduced our energy use down using efficiency measures with a combination of lighting retrofits throughout the building, and solar.
(insert graphic aerial of 404 roof at 02:25:08)
We have half a megawatt of solar facilities on our building; that pretty much takes our
(insert graphic PV parking canopy at 02:30:00)
electricity use to zero.
(back to Amy at 02:32:23)
Now we have to address heating and cooling. So in order to emulate what we are trying to build out there, we went and drilled our own
(insert graphics, parking lot shots with plug in hybrids at 02:37:16)
geothermal system out in the parking lot,
and we are going to hook it up to the building using heat pumps,
exactly like we plan to do throughout the whole business park.
(back to Amy at 02:46:07)
Once we do that we'll have our lessons learned and we'll be able to take those lessons and make very smart decisions economically about how we approach the community project.
Chapter 6: How it Works (58 seconds)
SCWA card hand turns
02:55:05 to 03:00:06
Lisa Meline, Geothermal Engineer, Medium shot (heating loop schematic background)
03:00:06 to 03:53:29
The existing equipment here at 404 aviation boulevard is all rooftop equipment. So we have airconditioners, we have boilers;
(insert graphics: AC and boilers on roof at 03:09:27)
they are all up on the roof, they are exposed to the elements, when it is hot in the summertime
(back to Lisa at 03:13:19)
the heat is pounding down on that equipment, um, and in the winter time when it is cold the same thing ; the difference is with this system we are bringing everything within the building or under... ground;
(insert graphic heat pump schematic at 03:25:21)
all of the heat pumps are going to go up in the cieling space... it's within the conditioned space essentially of the building...
(back to Lisa at 03:31:10)
which is going to ... um... help with the lifetime of that equipment but more than that
(insert animation of ground loop Summer 65 degrees at 03:36:19)
we're actually coupled to the ground heat exchanger... all that pipe out under the parking lot ... that, um,
(insert animation of ground loop Winter 65 degrees at 03:45:22)
provides us that constant tempered water source for operating those heat pumps. So the result is energy efficiency and longer lifetime of that equipment...
Chapter 7: James Bond Interlude with Lisa Meline (22 second animation)
(03:54:09 to 04:16:00)
Chapter 8: ...and another thing... (26 seconds)
(04:16:00 to 04:42:07)
Medium shot Lisa (water treatment pump room background)
...another benefit that I particularly like is that the controls for these systems can be very simple ...
(insert thermostat graphic and schematic at 04:25:04)
you just need a thermostat on the wall to control the therm... the heat pump when it should come on or off, and that's all there is to it;
(insert graphic of Dale at control computer at 04:30 :14)
you don't have to measure pressure differences and temperature differences and flow rates ...
(back to Lisa at 04:34:23)
it's on or it's off! And that is not just easy for the users but easy for the people have to maintain those systems.
Chapter 9: Broadening the vision (2 minutes 20 seconds)
04:42:07 to 04:44:27
Dale Roberts, Project Engineer SCWA, Medium shot (404 building entrance with tree background):
04:44:27 to 05:29:07
We're taking the renewable energy technique for heating and cooling this building at 404 Aviation and broadening that technology to the entire business park .
(Insert graphics of Waste Treatment plant and filtration at 04:55:25)
At our Airport-Larkfield-Wickiup Santitation Zone Wastewater treatment plant we process 1 million gallons a day of tertiary treated micro-filtered water. That water is stored in two one hundred million gallon storage ponds.
(Back to Dale at 05:11:12)
We're going to take that water, pump it throughout the business park,
(Insert graphic of close up of schematic at 05:14:02)
the buildings within the business park could tie into that loop and use that water to heat and cool their buildings
(back to Dale at 05:20:07)
they could also use that recycled water to
(insert graphic close up of color drawing of irrigation and non-potable use at 05:23:08)
irrigate their landscapes and for... non-potable uses within their building such as for toilet water.
Chapter 10: AB 811 the sonoma county energy independence program (27 seconds )
05:29:07 to 05:33:20
Larry, close up shot (HVAC background)
05:33:20 to 05:56:13
“...the county's AB 811 program
(Insert graphic Energy Indpendence fair 05:36:18)
could very easily help existing owners and tenants
(back to Larry with changing HVAC backgrounds, 05:41:18)
replace their outdated air conditioning systems with modern heat pumps that use this projects' water to heat and cool their buildings. It could be a very valuable program to make that transition much more painless for a lot of the owners.
Chapter 11: The distribution system (47 seconds)
Dale, medium shot, treatment plant pumps background.
05:56:13 to 06:41:10
Typical district energy systems have heating and cooling machines back at the central energy plant; we'll use our wastewater treatment plant as the energy plant. The typical system has four insulated pipes, two for chilled water, two for hot water.
(insert video at 06:12:14: engineers hands on RGEEP loop document,
We'll only need two pipes and those pipes will not need to be insulated.
(insert video at 06:17:07) engineers discuss plans)
It should save a lot of materials and construction costs and should be much less capital cost to construct.
(insert 8 second animation of color loop diagram at 06:20:21)
One of the pipes will distribute recycled water into the business park the other pipe will return the recycled water back to the treatment plant.
(Insert video of storage ponds at 06:28:18)
that energy can then be dissipated into the earth on the banks and on the floor of the storage pond, and the mass of water within the storage pond
(back to Dale with aerial shot of storage pond in background at 06:38:13)
provides additional attenuation of that heating and cooling from the business park.
Chapter 12: Diversity is the key (39 seconds)
06:41:10 to 06:44:17
Amy, medium shot, Airport Business Park sign in background
06:44:17 to 07:20:18
The airport business center has been developed over the past 20 years out here in the north end of Sonoma County. It's kind of geographically isolated which makes it actually a really good test location to try these new technologies. It has approximately 82 buildings; we have a mix of large office buildings, we have industrial uses, we have laser factories, tortilla factories,
(insert graphics of airport, winery, movie theatre, health club, bank and school at 07:09:15)
we have an airport, we have wine facilities, gas stations, movie theatres, we've got it all out here...
...It is the great diversity of building types that we have out here
(back to Amy at 07:18:10)
that make it such a great test case for the entire world.
Chapter 13: think globally, act locally (31seconds)
07:20:18 to 07:23:10

Larry, medium shot, solar canopy Prius charging in background.
07:23:25 to 07:51:25
Airport Business Center is obviously in the real estate development business, but in the real estate development business it's very competitive; we compete with all sectors of the country and frankly most every part of the country is cheaper than here. So for airport business center to compete effectively, we have to provide something to our customers that not everybody else has.
(insert video: beauty shot of ducks in pond with fountain and mountain at 07:45:11)
And one of those things is a sustainable green unique environment. And that's truly one of the reasons we're very excited about this.
Chapter 14: hooking up to stub outs (41 seconds)
Dale, Medium shot, water treatment rows in background
07:53:16 to 08:34:10
As a business owner in the area, and your business has been
(insert video, Dale at old HVAC system, rooftop old HVAC systems at 07:56:29)
10 or 15 years and you're HVAC equipment is ready to be retrofitted, its... you've got your money's worth out of it, you're a good candidate to hook up to
(back to Dale at 08:05:25)
our recycled water system and our geoexchange system;
(Dissolve to Dale at 08:08:26)
In the recycled water distribution loops we would have stub-outs to every single building so every building would have
(insert graphic, schematic of the loopfield from 99% at 08:17:11)
the opportunity to hook up;
… they'll realize the energy savings on site, they don't have to dig up their parking lot,
(insert graphic treatment pond at 08:21:28)
they don't have to put a pond in to dissipate that heat...
(back to Dale at 08:25:17)
they can stay in business and just hook up, save months of time and months of capital costs. They'll buy into the communal heat sink which is at the treatment plant.
Chapter 15: The big picture (34 seconds)
08:34:10 to 08:36:23
Dale, medium shot, solar field as background
(08:36:23 to 09:08:22)
The bigger picture is we're looking to have this whole business park be net-zero energy
(Insert graphic of “We're solar powered” at 08:41:25)
we lower our energy demand with ground source heat pumps
(back to Dale at 08:44:17)
primarily which is
(insert graphic roof HVAC system at 08:47:03)
typically 50% of a buildings energy use
(back to Dale at 08:48:24)
the rest of the energy demand which will always be there, we want to meet that with renewables.
(insert video of 404 roof solar panels at 08:52:14)
we have a lot of roof area... a lot of flat buildings in this area...
(insert graphic, aerial shot of rooftop of 404 Aviation at 08:58:25)
perfect for solar, they get a lot of sunlight
(insert video of roof panels at 08:59:25)
If we can meet that with renewables then in the business park we hope to be the first business park in the U.S.,
(back to Dale at 09:05:14)
certainly in Sonoma County, to be net zero energy.
Chapter 16: Green economics (18 seconds)
09:08:22 to 09:10:03
Larry, close up, Sonoma County valley and mountains in background
09:14:11 to 09:26:21
...we believe all of these programs that are kind of under this, uh, umbrella of sustainability... will not only lower our costs but will also attract new businesses and... for us yes it nice to help the environment, but bottom line you've got to make money doing it; we think this will do that.

Chapter 17: Final words (48 seconds)
Shot of Russian river, music up, rushing water and bird sounds
09:26:21 to 09:32:22
Paul medium shot, oak trees and front of 404 aviation in background
09:32:22 to 10:14:04
The reason why we're committed to the geo-energy exchange program here locally, is that we know that this is something that can be replicated throughout the state, and throughout the country, and globally. One thing that's common in the United States...
(emotional music swells at 09:50:01)
and throughout the world, is that there are a lot of business parks and a lot of those business parks are big energy users and one of the things that we know is using recycled water , using solar and other kinds of projects locally, you can create zero net energy communities in all the businesses throughout the world. That is something that we're excited about and we know we can make it happen.
Chapter 18: SCWA logo cards, hands pull away, dissolve to web address.(7 seconds)
10:14:14 to 10:21:11
Fade to Black (10:25:00)

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