Saturday, July 10, 2010

Insinkerators to the rescue

Insinkerators to the rescue: 

 The Milwaukee Sewerage District is way ahead of the game: "At MMSD, we can capture the methane generated from food waste and turn it into energy, saving our customers nearly $2 million a year. We also use food waste to help feed microscopic organisms used in wastewater treatment that we later turn into Milorganite—a fertilizer trusted by the pros for more than 80 years".

From Environmental Impact Study of Food Waste Disposers for The County Surveyors’ Society, Herefordshire Council and Worcestershire County Council by Dr Tim Evans BSc MS PhD CChem CEnv FCIWEM MRSC "FWD have the benefit of separating at source a difficult fraction of biodegradable waste ...

Also: Here is a great website from the UK for others as obsessed with "tidy towns" as I am (and the Irish , and many of us of half Irish descent are). Glad the Brits have seen the light even if the Yanks are still dragging their feet over in the colonies. ;) Now get out there and buy yerself an Insinkerator, wot!
Waste Mission Impossible - waste minimisation guidance for Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

But wait, there's more:

Read submission 18 on this page, (or click on about how the National National Waste Policy in Australia is being modified to more accurately value waste disposal "so that market forces may correct ...the imbalance away from landfill. One area to consider is food waste. It has been estimated worldwide that food waste makes up between 35 and 50 percent of all household generated waste.".
The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts released a consultation paper, A National Waste Policy: Managing Waste to 2020, on 7 April 2009. Stakeholders were invited to contribute their ideas, insights, views and knowledge to help shape the development of a national waste policy.

Stockholm Sweden is already showing its commitment to the true value of "waste": "In 2008, it was decided that the annual fee for Food Waste Disposers would be abolished in Stockholm. The aim was to encourage more Stockholmers to get a FWD (food waste disposer) and contribute to increased biogas production". It is their model I am following in my dialouges. My career for the next few years will be focused on waste-to-watergy improvements.

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