Thursday, June 3, 2010

Biotechnology: Low temperature methanogenesis

This article that Katey passed on shows the potential for methanogenesis from grass. Perhaps soon every football and soccer and baseball field and every urban park and golf course could be contributing to our energy solution, again, if we can break the temperature barrier (heating systems consumer 20 to 40 % of the gross energy produced in the temperate zone).
EN-2009-3Low-temperature biogas production using perennial grass as feedstockDenise Cysneiros, Katarzyna Bialek, Changsoo Lee, Therese Mahony, Vincent O’Flaherty Department of Microbiology and Environmental ...

  Dr. Katey Walter Anthony, our partner in the National Geographic Blackstone Ranch Innovation Grant, sent this link along showing that others around the world (though far too few) are working on the same issues we are. Whereas "small-town nukes" may be able to compete directly with solar and wind energy, they can't com...pete with an energy solution that is simultaneously a waste-management solution and a water quality and conservation solution, so if we can break the temperature barrier then methanogenesis and electromethanogenesis should trump the mighty atom. Get involved -- we need your brains on this!

See More
Methanogenesis is feasible at low temperatures and occurs in natural anaerobic environments like lake sediments. In mesophilic methane production, which is the most commonly occuring process condition ...


canadian52 said...

Thanks for this. Can I suggest a great article about how to transect cells more effectively with a new tool for biolistic transfection of cells embeded in animal or plant tissue.

Organic Compound said...

how can i get involved ?

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