Friday, March 5, 2010

Tuam libera mentem: recycling human wastes

  Tuam libera mentem: If we accept human beings as top prey rather than top predator, human wastes as inputs rather than outputs, the hominoid corpus and animus as carriers of prokaryotes and information we begin to see better species-packing solutions and might view population as a solution rather than a problem. The questions: what is our sustainabile yield? We know we can multiply; can we now be truly fruitful?

March 5 at 8:47am ·
Thomas Henry Culhane
Thomas Henry Culhane
毛 澤東 / 毛泽东 (Mao Zedong) only scratched the surface when he quoted the ancient Chinese philosophers saying "each birth brings a new pair of hands not just a mouth to feed". We also bring a hypersea of nutrients to the feast, and mobile levers for transformation.
March 5 at 8:59am · 
Thomas Henry Culhane
Thomas Henry Culhane
And Malthus skewed our thinking astray saying "food supplies grow arithmetically while population grows exponentially" suggesting that we could outstrip our food supply. Think again: Food IS a population (i.e. derives from populations of living organisms that also reproduce exponentially). And the more we use SCP (Single Cell Protein) and insect protein to feed Homo sapiens and our livestock the sooner we will realize this is true.
March 5 at 11:45am · 
Emily Wentworth Low
Emily Wentworth Low
OK, TH - let me make sure I understand: So, we evolve from consuming hot dogs (then) to tofu pups (now) to the worm wieners of the future, which would include the labeling, "this product contains sustainably grown SCP". And uncles in this new Biome-archy would gross their nieces out by teasing that the SCP was cultured on their own feces (as ... See Moreopposed to my uncle, who convinced me when I was 7 that the hot dog I was roasting was made of worms. Really. He'd worked in a hot dog plant outside Philly. I didn't eat hot dogs for years.)
March 5 at 5:17pm · 
Byron DeLear
Byron DeLear
TH, ur the apex predator of love!
March 5 at 5:23pm · 
Thomas Henry Culhane
Thomas Henry Culhane
Yup, that's the gist of what me be sayin, Emily. And to prove it I ate a mealworm in Mr. Beard's 9th grade science class in Seattle when we went to present to them (two days in a row) about the work we did with y'all in Cordova. I guess I'm a bit like your Uncle; maybe grosser! By the way, the students totally want to join the Cordova Wolverines ... See Morein doing biogas and Mr. Beard wants to communicate with Adam. He said he tried doing biogas before using sewage sludge but was trying to feed the bacteria grass and didn't get good results. Now he is going to replicate what we did in Cordova. (He is cool, he even has dermestid beetles in his class that strip the flesh off of road kill so his students can do taxidermy on the skeletons!).
March 5 at 5:24pm · 
Thomas Henry Culhane
Thomas Henry Culhane
Heya Byron -- do you remember the Oaxacan restaurant "Galaguetza" on Olympic in L.A.? When we were building our biodigestor at Al Silva's in the 'hood Alvaro and I went there to eat grasshoppers (Chapulines con queso) with my brother Mike, my sister in law Amy (who now works for Disney), Game Changer Mike Bonifer and his wife Professor Virginia... See More, Kuhn, Mike Rimoin and Sybille and Kilian. I think we all felt that the Oaxacans are on to something with their inclusion of delicious insect protein into our diet. Sure beats spraying them with toxic pesticides and then trying to eat the inferior vegetable foods they would have turned into high quality protein!
March 5 at 5:36pm · 

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