When I read books of importance to me, not only do I underline the important passages, but I take notes in the margins, writing key words and phrases that I want to be able to come back to and use in my teachings of Environmental Sustainability and Justice.
By putting these notes in a blog post I have access to them when I am travelling and can easily search by keywords to find the page numbers I want to reexplore and pull quotes from.
Best of all, by making my notes public, I might be able to help others who are researching these topics and using this book find the section of the book they are looking for!
Here goes:
By putting these notes in a blog post I have access to them when I am travelling and can easily search by keywords to find the page numbers I want to reexplore and pull quotes from.
Best of all, by making my notes public, I might be able to help others who are researching these topics and using this book find the section of the book they are looking for!
Here goes:
Against the Grain
By Richard Manning
Notes by T.H. Culhane
recruit bears and birds
We know more than we
think we do. Experiments have shown that normal people, given the
whiff of a T-shirt, can tell whether it was worn by a man or a woman,
even have a sense of whether the wearer was attractive. How much of
this have we sublimated? What would it be like to meet other humans
and smell, say, anger, arousal, as I am sur my dogs do? p. 5
The girl in Borneo
Unlearning. “My main
job is to teach you that you know a lot more than you think you
know.” p. 7
This book is not just
about agriculture, but about the fundamental dehumanization that
occurred with agriculture. We can't really conceive of what huans
lost wth the process of civilization, with agriculture, until we ask
what human nature is.
Google enhanced
reading. Performance art.
“Mann ist was mann
Meat protein, however,
would not do the job alone, because meat lacks some necessary
nutrients and is an inefficient way to satisfy all of a body's
carbohydrate needs. Newfound priority on information, beginning of
information age. p. 13... division of labor, extra burden on women.
Routine consumption of
toxic plants.
Render harmless by
cooking... some mistakes are fatal.
Synesthesia... there is
a parallel universe, which is Dreamtime; our senses call it into
existence and make it into the real world in which we live. p. 14.
We achieved this range
without agriculture. Found bound us together.
There was no way to
store the meat, no way for an individual to accumulate wealth, so
communal feasting became the payoff for social organization.
Bogman Denmark...
stomach contained remnants of sixty different species of plants: not
the sum total of the range of his diet, merely the range from a day
or so, what happened to be ripe or on hand at the moment. Multiply
that number through the seasons and across the animal kingdom and
some appreciation or that human's catalogue of sensual clues begins
to accrue. Learning to live off hundreds of species of plants and
animals required an attention to color, light, shape and motion that
must have bordered on obsession. No wonder we began painting in such
fine detail so early in the course of human events. It is as if we
were brimming with observation and had to let it all out. The way we
preserved our species during our formative years not only made us
hunters and gatherers, but painters, singers, and poets, all of the
essential sensuality o these arts winding back to food and sex.
Letters to a young Poet...
“Physical pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great unending experience, which is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing. And not our acceptance of it is bad; the bad thing is that most people misuse and squander this experience and apply it as a stimulant at the tired spots of their lives and as distraction instead of a rallying toward exalted moments. Men have made even eating into something else: want on the one hand, superfluity upon the other, have dimmed the distinctness of this need, and all the deep, simple necessities in which life renews itself have become similarly dulled. But the individual can clarify them for himself and live them clearly (and if not the individual, who is too dependent, then at least the solitary man). He can remember that an beauty in animals and plants is a quiet enduring form of love and longing, and he can see animals, as he sees plants, patiently and willingly uniting and increasing and growing, not out of physical delight, not out of physical suffering, but bowing to necessities that are greater than Pleasure and pain and more powerful than win and withstanding. O that man might take this secret, of which the world is full even to its littlest things, more humbly to himself and bear it, endure it,more seriously and feel how terribly difficult it is instead of taking it lightly. That he might be more reverent toward his fruitfulness, which is but one, whether it seems mental or physical; for intellectual creation too springs from the physical, is of one nature with it and only like a gentler, more ecstatic and more everlasting repetition of physical delight. "The thought of being creator, of procreating & of making" is nothing without its continuous great confirmation and realization in the world, nothing without the thousandfold concordance from things and animals--and enjoyment of it is so indescribably beautiful and rich only because it is fun of inherited memories of the begetting and the bearing of millions. In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love revive, filling it with sublimity and exaltation And those who come together in the night and are entwined in rocking delight do an earnest work and gather sweetnesses, gather depth and strength for the song of some coming poet, who will arise to speak of ecstasies beyond telling. And they call up the future; and though they err and embrace blindly, the future comes all the same, a new human being rises up, and on the ground of that chance which here seems consummated, awakes the law by which a resistant vigorous seed forces its way through to the egg-cell that moves open toward it. Do not be bewildered by the surfaces; in the depths all becomes law. And those who live the secret wrong and badly (and they are very many), lose it only for themselves and still hand it on, like a sealed letter, without knowing it. And do not be confused by the multiplicity of names and the complexity of cases. Perhaps over all there is a great motherhood, as common longing. The beauty of the virgin, a being that (as you so beautifully say) "has not yet achieved anything," is motherhood that begins to sense itself and to prepare, anxious and yearning. And the mother's beauty is ministering motherhood, and in the old woman there is a great remembering. And even in the man there is motherhood, it seems to me, physical and spiritual; his procreating is also a kind of giving birth, and giving birth it is when he creates out of inmost fullness. And perhaps the sexes are more related than we think, and the great renewal of the world will perhaps consist in this, that man and maid, freed of all false feelings and reluctances, will seek each other not as opposites, but as brother and sister, as neighbors, and win come together as human beings, in order simply, seriously and patiently to bear in common the difficult sex that has been laid upon them.
Letters to a young Poet...
“Physical pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great unending experience, which is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing. And not our acceptance of it is bad; the bad thing is that most people misuse and squander this experience and apply it as a stimulant at the tired spots of their lives and as distraction instead of a rallying toward exalted moments. Men have made even eating into something else: want on the one hand, superfluity upon the other, have dimmed the distinctness of this need, and all the deep, simple necessities in which life renews itself have become similarly dulled. But the individual can clarify them for himself and live them clearly (and if not the individual, who is too dependent, then at least the solitary man). He can remember that an beauty in animals and plants is a quiet enduring form of love and longing, and he can see animals, as he sees plants, patiently and willingly uniting and increasing and growing, not out of physical delight, not out of physical suffering, but bowing to necessities that are greater than Pleasure and pain and more powerful than win and withstanding. O that man might take this secret, of which the world is full even to its littlest things, more humbly to himself and bear it, endure it,more seriously and feel how terribly difficult it is instead of taking it lightly. That he might be more reverent toward his fruitfulness, which is but one, whether it seems mental or physical; for intellectual creation too springs from the physical, is of one nature with it and only like a gentler, more ecstatic and more everlasting repetition of physical delight. "The thought of being creator, of procreating & of making" is nothing without its continuous great confirmation and realization in the world, nothing without the thousandfold concordance from things and animals--and enjoyment of it is so indescribably beautiful and rich only because it is fun of inherited memories of the begetting and the bearing of millions. In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love revive, filling it with sublimity and exaltation And those who come together in the night and are entwined in rocking delight do an earnest work and gather sweetnesses, gather depth and strength for the song of some coming poet, who will arise to speak of ecstasies beyond telling. And they call up the future; and though they err and embrace blindly, the future comes all the same, a new human being rises up, and on the ground of that chance which here seems consummated, awakes the law by which a resistant vigorous seed forces its way through to the egg-cell that moves open toward it. Do not be bewildered by the surfaces; in the depths all becomes law. And those who live the secret wrong and badly (and they are very many), lose it only for themselves and still hand it on, like a sealed letter, without knowing it. And do not be confused by the multiplicity of names and the complexity of cases. Perhaps over all there is a great motherhood, as common longing. The beauty of the virgin, a being that (as you so beautifully say) "has not yet achieved anything," is motherhood that begins to sense itself and to prepare, anxious and yearning. And the mother's beauty is ministering motherhood, and in the old woman there is a great remembering. And even in the man there is motherhood, it seems to me, physical and spiritual; his procreating is also a kind of giving birth, and giving birth it is when he creates out of inmost fullness. And perhaps the sexes are more related than we think, and the great renewal of the world will perhaps consist in this, that man and maid, freed of all false feelings and reluctances, will seek each other not as opposites, but as brother and sister, as neighbors, and win come together as human beings, in order simply, seriously and patiently to bear in common the difficult sex that has been laid upon them.
But everything that may some day be possible to
many the solitary man can now prepare and build with his hands, that
err less. Therefore, dear sir, love your solitude and bear with
sweet-sounding lamentation the suffering it causes you For those who
are near you are far, you say, and that shows it is beginning to grow
wide about you. And when what is near you is far, then your distance
is already among the stars and very large; rejoice in your growth, in
which you naturally can take no one with you, and be kind to those
who remain behind, and be sure and calm before them and do not
torment them with your doubts and do not frighten them with Your
confidence or joy, which they could not understand. Seek yourself
some sort of simple and loyal community with them, which need not
necessarily change as you yourself become different and again
different; love in them life in an unfamiliar form and be considerate
of aging people, who fear that being-alone in which you trust. Avoid
contributing material to the drama that is always stretched taut
between parents and children; it uses up much of the children's
energy and consumes the love of their elders, which is effective and
warming even if it does not comprehend. Ask no advice from them and
count upon no understanding; but believe in a love that is being
stored up for you like an inheritance and trust that in this lore
there is a strength and a blessing, out beyond which you do not have
to step in order to go very far! “
Stephen Jay Gould just
so stories. Fun. Farming is not. “The real problem, then, is not
to explain why some people were slow to adopt agriculture, by why
anybody took it up at all..” p. 23 Colin Tudge.
4 crops = 2/3 of human
nutrition. Wheat, rice, corn, potatoes.
A few hundred species
have parts readily edible.
Agriculture was simply
Plains indians almost
exclusively off meat.
Agriculture allowed them to occupy key hunting areas during lean times.
Agriculture allowed them to occupy key hunting areas during lean times.
The ready availability
of Cat Chow makes Tabby songbird's mot lethal suburban predator, not
skunks and other wild predators who must move oven when pickings get
p. 26
Einkhorn, Emmer, barley
9,600 ears.
The rachis, seeds that
stick to the head
Catastrophe reset
biological clock.
Annuals don't need to
persist, to set deep roots. Rather they invest their resources in
building large,easily detached, portable,long-lasting seeds ready to
exploit the next sweeping catastrophe. One these colonizers gain a
foothold and provide cover, shade and organic matter in the soil, a
more poermanent community of plants dominated by perennials develops.
There is a very narrow range of colonizing plants designed by
evolution to move in and restart the biological clock ater
p. 28
Investing energy in
seed doesn't pay off in mature community.
Distrubed sites.
Cottonwoods ren't so
much water-loving as disturbance loving.
Sunflowers. Floodplain
weeds, wild gourds, sunflowers and chenopods.
Settlement before
agriculture, sedentism and art... sedentism – the radical human
experiment with staying put – made agriculture possible, and not
vice versa. p. 30
Agriculture did not
arise from need but from relative abundance. Leisure to experiment.
Noah's flood p. 31,
Midas' grave full of
grain, not gold, p. 33.
Poverty from
agriculture... wealth vs. abundance
Agriculture created
Mounds Cahokia
Compare lives by
comparing skeletons. Farmers smaller. Implications for aquaculture..
The fish moved, Just beginning to regain stature. Food of the poor,
By moving about and taking food from a variety of niches, they
balanced one locale's deficiencies against anothers excesses . This
is also true for the early sedentarycities that relied on seafood.
They didn't move, but the fish did, bringing with them minerals from
a wide range of places. Biodiversity diet, Every locale's soil and
water deficient in one mineral. p. 35.
Tooth decay. Soft foods
wean children faster. Deformities and rotten teach.
California paleo
gatherers “so healthy is is somewhat discouraging to work with
Disease from bad diet.
Slavery, poverty,
Biology and evolution
don't care very much about quality of life.
What counts is
persistence, endurance.
P 37
Goats cut a deal.
Smaller more diseased goats.
Weeds. Chenopods
adapted to catastrophes. Coalitions form.
Poverty is a direct
result of cultural evolution
Malaria is an
agricultural disease. P 40
Harsh life for masses.
But wealthy clearly better off.
We have no clear
examples of colonized huter gatherers who willingly, peacefully
converted to farming. Most went as slaves; most were dragged kicking
and screaming or ust plain died.
Nobody peacefully converted to agriculture. The plants and animals tamed us.
Nobody peacefully converted to agriculture. The plants and animals tamed us.
Green killing green.
p. 43
How powerful a
coevolved coalition of exotics.
We have asked why
agriculture arose I the first place, but we must also ask why this
isolated experiment spread across the planet to the lands of
nonagricultural peoples who could see it coming and who, having had
plenty of contact with agricultural societies, ought to have known
enough to avoid it like th plague it was.
Avoid it like the
Farming spread by
Sugar tolerant
digestive systems. p. 53.
The Gods wanted slaves
and addicted us. Senegambia.
Wheat a big invention..
horse collar. Trinity wheat cattle and horses.
Without the payback,
Weeds on a relegated to floodplains or edges of forest fires.
Biblical plagues p 56
agricultures evolved coalitions
virgin soil epidemics.
'Smallpox from God”
Winthrop massachusetts bay colony.
Warfare and conquest =
Mississipi valley
Indians gave us farming corn to hunt when horses came.
P 60
Deliberate policy of
exterminating bison 70 million to less than 50.
Horses a weed among
animals so abundant.
Horses cheap in new
world, expensive in Europe.
agriculture p. 62
5000 cattle to 48
The Neo Europes (p.
Pollinated by
honeybees-- European crops and weeds, coevolution, allowing certain
native species to outcompete others.
Kentucky Blue Grass
from Europe … seeding to promote conquest p. 64.
Full of weed
Crosby, Ecological Imperialism: “It did not occur to any white settler (pakeha) for decades and decades that spilling and strewing alien organism into an ecosystem can be like lighting a candle in order to lessen the gloom in a powder magazine.” p. 64. Rats and smallpox botaical equivalent.
Crosby, Ecological Imperialism: “It did not occur to any white settler (pakeha) for decades and decades that spilling and strewing alien organism into an ecosystem can be like lighting a candle in order to lessen the gloom in a powder magazine.” p. 64. Rats and smallpox botaical equivalent.
Europan colonization
was biological warfare.
63% non native
p. 655
Evolution fails to
honor “success and failure”.
Famine is a creation of
farming. p. 68
90/100 Difficult to see
agriculture as antidote to hunger.
Wheat, 80 million dead.
Great Leap forward p70
Not insufficient food
but a lack of “entitlement”. Poverty is Africa's chief
Catastrophic Agriculture:
Catastrophic Agriculture:
Maize 1, Potato 4 p. 73
A classic case of
agricultural success prefiguring doom.
English: French: Potato
“only fit for the Irish”. Poisonous p. 75
Potato promotes
“idleness, improvidence and moral deviations”
Poor ate bread... poor diet based wholly on grain.
Poor ate bread... poor diet based wholly on grain.
No fork or plate
required... was for the poor. Spoiled spuds tossed to hogs
Rain tolerant potato..
5-6 lb /day.
Kept one fingernail
Sugar blues p. 81
Famine Poverty and
Disease are useful institutions. Slaves... Sugar required a labor
intensive industrial refining that made it ery much the first
processed food, processed by slaves.
Not cuisine but
Sugar and rum as
manacles p. 83.
Why tea is bitter... so
you need sugar with it.
Sugar “tea with your
sugar sir?”
James, pudding and
Pretty Maids from Pandemonium
The purpose of
humanity: cheap labor p. 83
Soil depletion should
be impossible … expansion of the arable land base (p. 86).
Evans: Divides time by
billions of people. Human culture ½ way.
Perennial.. the land bank.
Perennial.. the land bank.
Speculation leads to
the dust bowl, institutional memory is short. Profit aids amnesia.
Draft animal feed land.
p. 91
Because of uneven
Bias toward catastrophe
Chewing up landscapes
it had once been unable to digest
Clever use of hybrid
vigor – industrialisation as species... directed by memes. Self
pollinators, Biological imperialism,”Green Revolutio = Age of
Dwarfs”. p. 92
Norman Borlaug, dwarf
1970s 25% wheat, 1975
40%, 2000 70%
Rice 1980 40%, 1990 74%
20 bushels to 130
Harvest index. 3 crops
at the expense of all others. Prices down, Efficiency up.
Fencerow to fencerow..
Earl Butz, Nixon constroversial secretary of agriclture. 1970S Plowe
encerow to fencerow, I witessed in Illinois as a child.
p. 95
Dust bowl.
Farmers are the
conduits, not recipients of subsidies.
3 grain crops for more
than 2/3rd nutrition
Per capita gain 3x
Fattened on Grain,
Containment operations.
“Waste” is a term
unique to industrial thinking. 76% beef from feedlots onfinement
85% cropland = corn,
soybean, wheat, hay.
“Dead one”
Nitrous Oxide =
greenhouse gas.
Primay cause of water
problems (p 99)
Corn second leading
user of irrigation water.
Sheds and greenhouses,
p. 107
Too cheap to conserve.
Nitrogen is cheap
insurance p. 113
Respond to market
signals. Expecting farmers to respond to market signals now is a bit
like expecting an alcoholic to order the herbal tea at an open bar.
This is the legacy of subsidy. A deep-seated irrationality that
ignores cause and effect. A system that has taken on a logic of its
own... a sort of arms race. No single set of market solutions will
turn that system around.
Grainfed livestock are
livestock factories.
Live, thrive without
grain. The less cereal I eat the better I feel, a reflection of my
body's genetic legacy set during a couple of million formative years
as hunter gatherers.” p. 120 (ME TOO!).
Grain invades body.
False face on the land.
The mess in our guts
, the juie of our
politics. Corn syrup. Thomas Jefferson. p. 124. Designed to give us
Independence. Invasion of the body snatchers.
Lincoln Homestead act.
Can see the truth iin the negative. Farming is a pyramid.
p. 125
A modern enclosure act.
Retool the federal system. Adreas, CEO of ADM 2 things “eporting
American agircultural products, keeping farmers on farms, conserving
topsoil. “ Firsta was pursued at expense of other two.
Welfare state,
countryside is a factory. Famers are conduits,not recipients of
federal money. Surplus to processor.
Slavery. p. 128
People willing to
exploit themselves. p. 129
Commodities vs. food.
ADM convicted of price
Kirschenmann believes
humans fell from grace ten thousand years ago, the fall a sin of
pride that came from domesticating plants. Since then all of
agriculture has been an attempt to enfore distance from nature.
Sin of pride. Ph.D. In religion P. 131
Sin of pride. Ph.D. In religion P. 131
Warm season crops like
Government payments
make industrial ag efficient.
Rolling with nature's
inevitable punches.
Basis of culture, 40
varieties of corn.
Uncle Richard Frankel
Maputo US Aid p. 133
Druing a worldwide
urban crisis.
Price fixing in food
for Peace program.
System makes people
The death of the rest
he sees as no loss, any town big enough for Wal Mart will survive.
p. 135
Fat market. Hide wheat
in foreign aid, Hide corn in livestock. p. 137
3x waste, pig:human.
Hog spill, fish kill..
Oligarche, parasitic
industry. Corn and soy derivatives.
Evolution. Domestic
tall grass, corn.
7% corn crop used in
Nitrates.. blue baby
sydrome. Killed dolphins.
4 herbicides.
Treat all of us like
livestock. Corn syrup 42% of all corn goes to sweeteners.
Processing of
We pay 11 dollars so
ADM can make 1 dollar profit on ethanol.
Money for politics p.
Dwayne Andreas “Free
market is a myth. The reason we don't call it socialism is that
socialism is a bad word.”
p. 144
The escalating boredom
of agriclture. p. 146
entertainment, illusion of reporters policing excess behavior.
A corn worm has learned
the evolutionary trick of laying its eggs in soybeans, thereby
defeating crop rotation. That's a parasites job, to look for a big,
untapped pile of biomass and then evolve to tap it. Andreas has told
me a true thing. His job is to observe, to respond, to evolve, to
coopt the coops to morph, to feed on a decaying system.
p. 147
Miscreants – those
who speak their intentions outside their private clubs.
I insist on sensuality
p. 150.
Civilization is denying
sensuality to others.
Christianity is a
slave-class movement. Arab egalitarianism. p. 153.
Food taboos, the
omivores dilemma.
Dietary Russian
Roulette, A victory over our environment.
p. 157
Impulse to divide.
You and your central
carbohydrate. P 159
Wild chenopods,
refugium, Mexicans here use something like 250 species of edible
The dulling monotony of
catastrophic agriculture.
p. 161.
Agriculture does not
exist to serve human demands P. 163. Pris: Agriculture is
independent of human need , has a will of it own.
Food is the primary
incursion o the physical world into the individual.
Hog enslaved the
p. 164.
Food faddists,
perfecting nature, speak the language of commodities. Fallen nature
required redemption and Christ was the soul's processor p. 167
Grains requied
sedentism. From the very beginnings of agriculture, grain, even
fresh off the stalk, was not food. It wanted fermenting or grinding
or baking. Hunter gatherers could be nomads because they could pluck
nourishment straight from limb or bone. Grain based nutrition
required sedentism as much to process grain as to grow it. It never
was immediately food, but, rather, a raw material.” p. 167.
Pellagra, kwashiokor,
protein deficiencie.
complementarity, p. 168.
Starch... White powder
p. 168
Better living through
Jell-O: Publically
announcing you could afford a refrigerator.
Not offering
nutrition... they were offering the illusion of wealth, stability,
and order and consumers became willing accomplices in the plot. The
marketers would have been equally happy selling most anything else.
p. 170
USDA ignored nutrition.
Turned to the Poor.
2 kinds of coupons, Fat
People applying for food stamps. PL480 Dumping of grain in the
developing world.
p. 172.
Balanced Diet, ratios
weighted toward whatever happens to be in surplus.
Ketchup was a vegtable
under Reagan.
p. 174.
Selling services
Maintain a stock of
poor people sufficient to provide cheap labor p. 180.
Everybody else got fast
food and sugar.
An audience that
watched as passively as it ate.
Fast Food Nation p.
Obesity is a mark of
poverty p. 184
Plants domesticated us.
Emergent behavior, Chaos theory.. ability of systems made up of
senseless elements to tae on a sense, a logic, rules of their own.
The sum of much randomness is order. P. 186.
Any political system is
a creation of agriculture. Agriculture dug the tunnel of our vision.
p. 187
2/3 wheat rice corn
sugar. Markets corrupted by subsidy. Simply STOP EATING. Negative
Rice, neglect food
stuff for poor people.
Potatoes, chamaeleon definition. Banana, United Fruit company, Developed Undeveloped Sugar, Bananas Coffee. P 191
Potatoes, chamaeleon definition. Banana, United Fruit company, Developed Undeveloped Sugar, Bananas Coffee. P 191
A chance to do good
work out of sight of – under the radar of mainline industrail
Agriclture. Ths is more than a theoretical advantage.
Profit-driven bias
opens enormous holes.
Phenomenon of
Apomixis – a form of
asecual reproduction being worked on by bioitechnology.
$30 bn/subisidy.
Apomixis. p. 193
Given the state of
affairs of the oligarchy the best of all possible worlds is to be
ignored by it. p. 194.
IGNORED BY IT.” P. 194 Against the Grain by Richard Manning.
Microbreweries had
captured a huge share of the market, bit by bit, unsubsidized,
unlobbied, with the simple expedient of quality...
Microbreweries made
organic agriculture profitable. p. 194
Virtually every one of
us faces the consequences of our ignoranc of agriculture three times
a day.
Buyers don't just buy,
they learn.
Who said food was
supposed to be efficient? Are we better served by spending the time
we save in front of television sets, consuming packaged, standardized
images, or by lingering amid the lushness of a community market? p.
196. Holes in apples tell consumers “no pesticides”.
It begins with food.
A right, not a
Self consciously steers
away from worst excesses.
Organic Agriculture is
still agriculture in that it relies on a relatively small range of
plants that are evolved to follow catastrophe and thus require
disturbance and are primarily annuals. Organic agriculture is a
necessary step, but it is not suffincet at least as it stands, a
fundamental redesign is required.
Models of input output
Mistake frenzy for efficiency.
Mistake frenzy for efficiency.
“Our weapon in this
is sensuality”. p. 202
The hunter gatherer
survives in each of us. When a woman ambles through the union Square
market and the deep purple glint of a plum catches her eye, She is
replicating a primal process, awakening pathways of primal signals.
The process itself is satisfying, human. When she speaks with the
farmer who grew the plum, she connects to a bit of her community, her
link to the rest of humanity. We subvert agriculture every time we
restablish that link. “Our weapon in this is sensuality”. p. 202
Venus, the
gratification of sexual desire... the practice or art of hunting ,
the chase... venereal, venison, to venerate...
Talismen of survival
The rich,
Hunting.. one more pleasure to which the rich maintain access as the world shrinks to monotony and drudgery for the rest of us. ' p. 207
Hunting.. one more pleasure to which the rich maintain access as the world shrinks to monotony and drudgery for the rest of us. ' p. 207
Given the means, people
will go hunting. Given the means to be human, we will.
p. 208.