Today we are continuing our exploration of the art of
presenting scientific information to the public using the "Talk Like
Ted" format. You may be already familiar with the TED talks and how
they are transforming how we share information.
TED stands for "Technology, Entertainment and Design" and with the emergence of TEDx talks, has also come to represent "Technology, Education and Development". Being a TED speaker is as prestigious as it is impactful and many presidents and CEOs as well as civil society leaders have led TED. But it is open to anybody with a good idea and the ability to express it.
A TED talk is targeted at 18 minutes or less in length because it has been determined that this is the amount of time most people can stay focused and engaged with a topic before needing to shift their attention. This works out to about 2500 words of text, depending on your pace, so this gives you a bench mark to strive for when you are writing out your speech.
As you can see, today I am using my tablet as a
teleprompter with a font size of 60 and speed of 8800 so that I can make
sure I don't go over time and so that I can give the same speech in
many different venues. You have the option of doing this too, and by
using a prompter you can put in all the fancy terminology you want to
use without having to memorize it, and you can come across much more
erudite, savvy and sophisticated, cogent and eloquent and possibly
inveigling, if that is your intent, than if you were merely improvising.
And you don't have to look down at your notes. TED speakers generally
use teleprompters. They work great as long as you are able to get the
scroll rate right!
But as I have mentioned in class, this is one of many tools I would like to put in your arsenal as you confront the world as a Mercy graduate.
The subtitle of TED is "ideas worth spreading" and my goal
is to help empower you to first believe that you have ideas worth
spreading and sharing, that you are WORTHY ... worth a lot more than you
know... and second to help transform you into something the world needs
a lot more of... that is, SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATORS.
I have stressed throughout the semester that I believe we
already have all of the technologies we need to make the world a better
place, a more beautiful, healthy, fulfilling, sustainable, thriving and
flourishing place for all people and all living beings. I've stressed
my belief that the problems facing us are mostly born of ignorance and
politics and fear and immaturity and, as you've heard me say time and
time again, addiction ... addiction to drugs like wheat, corn, rice and
sugar and other grass family grains and high glycemic starches, along
with potatoes, as well as the usual psychoactive substances and
stimulants and depressants found in weeds like tobacco and poppy plants
and coca leaves.
I've suggested that if we wean ourselves off of these
substances, if we get our blood sugar levels under control, and if we
empower ourselves and each other to spend our time learning what we
consider important for our well being in our own unique ways and if we
learn how to share that information most effectively with others, so
they can apprehend it in the ways that suit them best, we can make real
and lasting changes for the better. I am thus an advocate of sharing
the gospel or good news of our own joy with others, believing that in
the this way the wave of good feeling will spread out to eventually
embrace and empower the whole world.
This philosophy is the reverse of the usual "think
globally, act locally" because I think it is disengenuous and even
arrogant to think that we can think globally... I believe we should try
to put things into a global perspective, but honestly I think we are
better off thinking locally ... working hard to solve our own problems
at the local level, starting with our own minds and bodies and working
outward to ever larger environments - home, family, neighbors and
neighborhood, town and city... and by solving our own problems and
walking the walk of our talk, showing the outer world how happy we are,
finally able to love ourselves and our immediate surrounding, create
conditions that will inspire others to be able to find solutions to
their local challenges. Eventually, through sharing, these ideas will
overlap in ever widening circles of cooperation. So in this way we end
up "thinking Locally, but acting globally" -- and we end up acting
globally not in some hegemonic or colonial sense, but through social
networking and the creation of nodes of enlightenment that lead to the
phenomenon of emergence. Collective intelligence begins to emerge.
What we are helping to create with our learning
communities, once they are all connected, which is certainly possible
now that we have the internet and air travel and roads everywhere to
move people and goods and ideas, is something the French philosopher
Tielhard de Chardin called "the noosphere". The noosphere is the sphere
of conciousness that emerges from the interaction of the lithosphere ...
the rock layer of geology, with the atmosphere... the nitrogen and
oxygen rich gas layer that surrounds our planet
with the biosphere, the thin living layer that makes our planet unique in our solar system. It is hypothesized that once a planet evolves a biosphere, and once conscious, self-aware and purposefully intelligent beings evolve and develop language and communication technologies, emergent properties can lead to the development of a even more inclusive and expansive consciousness and intelligence. We call that the noosphere, the sphere of knowing.
with the biosphere, the thin living layer that makes our planet unique in our solar system. It is hypothesized that once a planet evolves a biosphere, and once conscious, self-aware and purposefully intelligent beings evolve and develop language and communication technologies, emergent properties can lead to the development of a even more inclusive and expansive consciousness and intelligence. We call that the noosphere, the sphere of knowing.
I've mentioned in class before the so called "Gaia
Hypothesis" posited by biologists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis.
Margulis was the woman who came up with the now substantiated
Endosymbiosis theory that said that all Eukaryotic or complex cells, now
found in animals and plants and fungi and protozoa, evolved from simple
prokaryotic cells like those found in the Archaea and the Bacteria. The
theory is that larger prokaryotic bacteria like cells engulfed other
cells but found it advantageous to work with them symbiotically rather
than digest them. Eventually those cells, now acting more like
cooperative cities than loose assemblages of individual parts, started
cooperating to form actual organisms with bodies.
In a similar vein the Gaia theory suggests that collections
of organisms of different species can function together like a
super-organism, like a body made up of many kinds of plants and animals,
but with a teleological purpose. In this view ecosystems are like
living beings with their parts spread out across the landscape. We had
explored briefly how slime molds, which can act as individuals or as a
colony, provide an analogy for this view. Nonetheless, Gaia theory, as
this recent book by Toby Tyrell that I picked up at Harvard last week,
is hotly debated. Critics say that there is actually no need to suggest
the earth or its systems are working together the way organisms bodies
are to explain what we see happening in nature. But others insist that
the earth is acting like a self-regulating global superorganism, and
this would have profound implications for things like the current
climate change crisis. Will the earth actively protect itself from our
destructive activities the way a body will when it suffers an infection?
The noosphere idea suggests not only that the earth could
be considered alive as a being, but that it may be conscious. In this
case "mother earth" wouldn't be just a metaphor but a reality. Still,
for all the appeal of this line of reasoning, it is hard to prove.
I will suggest a different approach: if we consider the
noosphere to be an emergent property, we shift the debate about IF the
earth is conscious to WHEN. We already know that unintelligent agents
-- individual cells -- can work together in the trillions to form
intelligent thinking brains, and we have seen how rather stupid ants and
bees and termites and slime molds can come together to create "hive
minds" that can solve problems. We are seeing that individual computer
chips can be wired together to create intelligent machines and through
cloud computing we are seeing the emergence of a smart web that enables
smart phones and smart networks to make decisions and recognize language
and faces. So it appears that human beings, now approaching 10 billion
and with one in four networked around the world, have the capacity to
create a hybrid machine/human intelligence that is far more powerful and
global than anything that has previously existed on the planet. Once
we fully embrace the other non-human creatures we share the planet with
and network entire ecosystems, further evolving our own intelligence, it
becomes inevitable that the noosphere will appear as a tangible
phenomenon that we can directly communicate with and through.
So once again, it isn't really a matter of IF a larger and
more plantery intelligence than ours exists, it is a matter of WHEN.
This is what people like Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil are talking about
when they speak of THE SINGULARITY. The singularity is the logical end
point of all trends in evolution, geological, biological, social and
The singularity is almost here, and the more we share ideas from all walks of life and perspectives, and honor all stories and pedigrees, the more likely it is to arrive in a desirable life affirming way rather than turn into a tragic trope in which humans are "shaken off the earth like a bad cold" or "cut out like a cancer".
Your conscious participation in the evolving emerging
noosphere is the key to this century ending on a happy note. My mission
is to help you develop the skills and confidence to have full
involvement in how the story of humanity plays out. My mission, and our
mission at Mercy, is to help give you the tools for full participation.
It is my hope that you can use these last few weeks of our semester a
springboard for you leap with confidence into the uncertain future
awaiting us and, through sharing your worthy ideas, make certain its a
good one.The singularity is almost here, and the more we share ideas from all walks of life and perspectives, and honor all stories and pedigrees, the more likely it is to arrive in a desirable life affirming way rather than turn into a tragic trope in which humans are "shaken off the earth like a bad cold" or "cut out like a cancer".