Friday, December 4, 2009

The Climate Solutions Road Tour video snapshot

Thomas Henry Culhane James Dean Conklin and Elisa Zazzera (and all of Solar Punch and the IYCN and the solutions-oriented-citizens of India and their international guests!) have put together one of the finest, rockin'est, most moving music-video tributes to Climate Solutions I have ever seen! This is really worth sharing with all your friends and associates. Pssst, we can change the future; pass it on! Bravo James and Elisa! I salute you!

A video salute to the Indian Youth Climate Network & the Climate Solutions Road Tour in hope and respect for the upcoming Copenhagen Climate Conference. (videography by Elisa Zazzera & james dean / edited by james dean / music by Solar Punch)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Solar CITIES Urban Eco Tour, Cairo, Egypt, +2 012 182 7315

Thanks to Nick Rowlands for publishing this great article on our Solar CITIES Urban Eco Tour and linking it to the article in the Daily News on Hanna and Sabah and our work! Hope all of you will go on the tour when you come to Egypt, help out and get involved!
Since 2005, the Solar CITIES project has been helping poor communities in Darb al-Ahmar and Manshiyat Nasser (“Garbage City”) to build solar water heaters and biogas gene...

Daily News Profile on Hanna and Sabah and our Solar CITIES work

A beautiful article, a profile on Hanna and Sabah and our Solar CITIES work to meet Copenhagen goals household by household in Egypt. Thanks to Heba El-Sherif for writing this with such compelling detail. We would love to come to Copenhagen to share ideas and experiences; if anybody has a venue we can attend where we can present or mingle let us know!


My teaching philosophy

  Philosophy and approach to innovation: Over my 35 years of teaching, from Kindergarten through Graduate School, from Inner City High Schoo...